
Choosing an iPhone charger

The latest iPhone 12 is sold without a default Apple charger. What you get is the phone and a USB-C Lightning cable. This means iPhone users need to look for a charger on their own. Whether you’re planning to buy your first iPhone or have to replace your default charger that came with an older model, we have come up with a brief guide for you to help you choose from among the available accessories.

In this article you will find out:

  • what charger to choose for your iPhone,
  • whether it’s a good idea to pick a replacement by another brand,
  • why new iPhones come without chargers.

What charger to choose for your iPhone?

The choice depends on the version you own. The older the model is, the lower the requirements as regards the charger power. Why so? iPhone 8 and later versions can be charged using the Apple Fast Charge mode, which means the battery will be half-full after 30 minutes. Previous iPhone versions don’t have this function, so they only need a charger with a  power of 10 W or so.

iPhone 8 and the models that followed need at least 18 W in order to use the fast charge function. What you need to keep in mind is that such chargers are often replaced by 20 W devices. As the manufacturer claims, you can also choose higher power. So, you are free to pick an Apple USB-C charger with a power of 29 W, 30 W, 61 W, 87 W, or even 96 W. Alternatively, you can also buy a comparable charger by another brand, provided its specification matches the USB Power Delivery.

Another aspect you need to consider – apart from the power – is the USB cable type. All Apple phones use their own standard known as Lightning. This is a symmetrical USB connector, which means it can be inserted in the port in either orientation, just like a traditional USB-C, which happens to be the port you need in the adapter in order to connect the iPhone cable.

A USB-C Lightning cable goes with any iPhone and can be connected to a regular USB-C port, which can be found in MacBooks, other new laptops, or some chargers. You’re well advised to look for adapters with a small USB-C port rather than a traditional USB-A.

Original Apple charger or a replacement?

An original USB-C charger with a power of 20 W costs 99 PLN/ ca. 25 EUR, but some stores may offer it at a lower price. What are the advantages of an original charger?

When buying an original Apple charger you can be sure it will be compatible with your device. It has optimum power to enable fast charging and comes with a USB-C port to accommodate the iPhone cable. Another thing that matters is craftsmanship. Apple claims the adapter is made with biodegradable materials and can be recycled.

Although these advantages are indisputable, many people opt for a replacement. The major reason is the price, of course. A good replacement charger can be twice cheaper than the original. If you pick a charger from a reputable brand, it will be just as efficient as the default accessory. A good example of a reliable charger is any  Green Cell deviceThese chargers come in a few variants, with a power of 18 W and more. They support Power Delivery 3.0 and Qualcomm Quick Charge, compatible with Apple Fast Charge. Some models have a few different USB ports, which means you can use them to recharge a few devices at a time.

As you can see, it’s a good idea to pick a charger by another brand, because it’s just as good as the original Apple accessory. 

Why does iPhone 12 come without a default charger?

You may have heard that Apple does not offer a default charger with iPhones, because the company wants to make more money on selling the chargers separately. No wonder such hypotheses appeared, considering the high price of the original accessories. Although users have a number of theories on why default chargers are no longer included as part of the set, the manufacturer claims the intention behind it was to provide more phones while reducing CO2 emissions. Offering a phone without a charger means the box can be smaller. And this means you can squeeze 70% products more on a single pallet before you dispatch them. This reduces the cost of transport and the CO2 emissions even by 2 million tons a year!


A good charger will replenish your iPhone battery quickly and safely. If you’re looking for high quality charger for your iPhone 12 or an older version of an Apple phone, explore the range of products available in Battery Empire! Use our search engine to match the charger to your device.

Veronica Jones

As an ardent enthusiast of written words she can handle even most complicated topics. In her everyday career she deals with content marketing, and more specifically she prepares and implements strategies. And when she doesn't work on another strategy, she writes blog articles for the Battery Empire.

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